Inteligentné dopravné systémy
Smart metering

Geografické informačné systémy

Elektronické mýto a výber poplatkov

IT infraštruktúra


Intelligent transport systems

Since 2009 we have been developing custom transport systems or their parts suitable for private companies as well as for the state administration.

Smart metering

We have been a part of smart metering market for several years, offering products and solutions for distribution companies and municipalities.

Toll services

We offer consultations, references, development and adjustment for Electronic toll and fee collection systems, delivery of finished products included.

IT infrastructure

Correctly built IT infrastructure is a basis for information system stability.


We have built a strong team of certified testers – seniors. All with several years of practice in testing complexinformation systems; from strategy design, analysis to execution and test reporting.

© 2023 Kedros, a.s.